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Baobab Collection

Luxurious, inspirational, handmade. From candles and diffusers, Baobab Collection is the true artisans of scent. Inspired by travel and memories, they will transport you through the power of fragrances and scent.

Baobab Collection

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Baobab Collection Ksar Pacha Max 10 Candle

490 ر.ق
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Baobab Collection Ksar Sultan Max 35 Candle

2,445 ر.ق
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Baobab Collection Marrakech Max 35 Candle

3,055 ر.ق
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Baobab Collection Atlas Tichka Max 35 Candle

3,190 ر.ق
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Baobab Collection Sand Siloli Candle Max 16

825 ر.ق
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Baobab Collection Afrika Candle Max 16

810 ر.ق
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Baobab Collection Sand Atacama Candle Max 24

1,620 ر.ق
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